




Some Puzzling Pictures

A screenshot of the first puzzle. Some Puzzling Pictures

I think this is a clever idea, personally, and am very happy with the execution. Raylib made this very straightforward and easy for me, I think this would have taken more effort for me to make in a proper game engine than it has to make it in raylib. The image is a single texture - the way I'm partitioning it and drawing partitions is that I'm storing a Rectangle which I'm using as the sourcerec in DrawTexturePro(). When I split the image, I'm not doing anything other than generating an array of sourcerecs, which I then randomize. I render this gridded, but instead of putting each rectangle where it should be, I place it based on its position in the array. Then I redraw parts of the texture for every square on the grid, allowing me to extend this system for almost any picture. The rest of the game-creation process was trying to find suitably interesting images of good difficulty, audio, etc. The game is playable here, I recommend you give it a go

I also made a short video about the game, which you can find here

The source code for the game is available here